Choose sport – Choose judo
Within the JudoIN project, everybody has own challenges and own obstacles


Regular judo trainings are taking place in the Centre for Education in Rijeka. JudoIN team are seriously getting ready, for the Christmas Tournament is coming soon to the Judo Club Rijeka, and they must be well prepared.

The welfare of the project “JUDO INclusion“ – AKTIVAN I ZDRAV (ACTIVE AND HEALTHY) – RIJEKA is great for any child who feels “different.” Children with developmental difficulties are more limited in their participation in sports events than their peers, while the gap gets wider with growing up. This is why “JUDO INclusion“ was initiated. A child with developmental difficulties also experiences difficulties in socialisation and finds it hard to hang out with other children, because they feel different, and this quite easily has the effect of isolation and exclusion from the environment. Children with developmental difficulties face each day what they cannot do, just like their parents. It will be easier for them if we encourage them to focus on what they can do, not what they cannot.

The implementation of the project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
For further info, please visit the webpage of the Ministry of Regional Development and Funds of EU:
The content of the internet webpage is exclusively the responsibility of the association Pokret – aktivan i zdrav (Movement – active and healthy), the association for the promotion of physical activity.
