Project "Choose sport"
2. Sport Manifestation "Choose sport"
Pupils have the opportunity to witness a demonstration of real kid athletes and individual sports, get to know different sport skills, and become acquainted with sports clubs where they could start doing sports.
Through the manifestation, along with having fun, pupils learn something new of sport, receive information where they can go to get included in a sport club, and become interested in doing sports. They are especially motivated by kid athletes who, demonstrating, show their abilities, but also exemplify what great fun they have and how good they feel doing sports.
Real kid athletes with the message “If I can do this – so can you,” demonstrate with pride their sport ability to the audience – lower primary grades pupils, most often their peers, thorough a fun and interesting sport manifestation.
Coaches and sport clubs recognise the project “Choose Sport” as a sound way for the presentation and familiarisation of sport to kid audiences, while they fill their membership ranks simultaneously.
Contents sport manifestations
- Lecture on sport culture and the Olympic movement (education and motivation)
- Presentation of individual sports – associations (judo, fencing, rhythmic gymnastics etc.); sports are presented by kid athletes (identification)
- Guest appearances by renowned athletes, Olympians and para-Olympians, and their contact with children (identification)
- Ministry of Interior – demonstration of the official police dog used for detecting drugs (sending the message drugs are bad and that we can seek police protection in all cases)
- 99% of children experienced the manifestation as interesting and fun
- 98% of children pick their favourite sport
- 51% of children decide to actively engage in one of the sports
- 32% of children are already engaged
- 17% of children are indecisive